Hello, nice to meet you! I'm a Vice President at MGX with a focus on semiconductors and AI. Prior to private equity, I was an Associate Partner at McKinsey and obtained a PhD for my research on high-dimensional statistical forecasting.
I have a Bachelor in Mathematics and a Master in Quantitative Finance from the Technical University of Munich.
I mostly analyse data with Python but also use C++ for more computation heavy programming or (in rare circumstances) Java. For mathematical and statistical evaluations, I like to embed MATLAB or R code in Python to access all available packages. Of course, Excel and PowerPoint are necessary for all consulting projects. Below you can see my level of proficiency (self-assessment) in each programming language or software tool.
I am a Vice President at MGX. Prior joining MGX, I worked at McKinsey & Company as Associate Partner. Most of my work has been centered around strategy in semiconductors and AI.
Outside from work I like to rock climb, play squash or cook (and eat). During my PhD, I made sourdough bread almost every day. That kneading and folding was a nice change of pace, balancing the freelance work and research — while the bread rested, I rested.
Rock climbingSquashCooking
I also like to work with local institutions on social projects: I volunteered at a retirement home, built a collaboration between a school and a homeless shelter and cooperated with a children's hospital for chronically ill children.
Children's hospitalHomeless shelterRetirement home